Demarre McGill, principal flute of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, and his brother Anthony McGill, principal clarinet of the New York Philharmonic, return to their early training ground, the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras (CYSO), for Winged Creatures, a homecoming album of duo concertos featuring world-premiere recordings of works by Michael Abels and Joel Puckett written expressly for the McGills and the CYSO’s Symphony Orchestra.
1 Winged Creatures (11:38)
FRANZDANZI (1763–1826)
SinfoniaConcertante for Flute, Clarinet, and Orchestra,Op.1(20:38)
2 I. Allegromoderato(10:25)
3 II. Largo(4:33)
4 III. Polonaise(Allegretto)(5:33)
CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS (1835–1921)5 Tarantelle,Op.6 (6:06)
6 I. The Great American Scream Machine (4:32)
7 II. Mama Dee’s Song for Joel (10:19)
8 III. For Audrey (5:22)